GlobalSource Partners’ Brazil Country Analyst Maria Cristina Pinotti is a senior economist and consultant and has been a partner with A.C.Pastore & Associados since 1994.
She previously served as chief economist at DIVESP (Distribuidora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários de São Paulo), worked as an economist and consultant at Mendonça de Barros e Associados, and was a macroeconomic analyst at Banco de Investimentos do Brasil – BIB/UNIBANCO.
Ms. Pinotti has a bachelor’s degree in public administration from Fundação Getulio Vargas/SP and concluded the doctoral course in economics at University of São Paulo (ABD). She is co-author of many articles as well as chapters in books on the Brazilian economy. More recently she has focused on the impact of corruption on the economy and the quality of institutions as factors determining the degree of countries’ development, including as coauthor of the book Corrupção: Lava Jato e Mãos Limpas ("Corruption: Car Wash and Clean Hands").