The view from Washington

CHINA ADVISORY - Report 28 Jun 2024 by Andrew Collier

I was invited to a conference organized by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) in Washington to launch its new China initiative. The conference featured Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell, along with Matt Pottinger, former Deputy National Security Advisor under Trump; Bonnie Lin of the think tank CSIS, and Elbridge Colby, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy and Force Development from 2017-2018 (and son of former CIA Director William Colby). It was moderated by the coolheaded Rush Doshi of the CFR.

There’s been some press on comments by Kurt Campbell saying that Chinese actions in the South China Sea near the Philippines could “spark conflicts that would devastate the global economy”. Rather than headline news, I was more interested in the broader question of the general attitude of policymakers in Washington and what it might mean for the future of US–China relations. My takeaway is there are some level-headed policy analysts but there is increasing scope for those who are not interested in diplomacy but wish to focus on a weapons buildup of Taiwan.

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