In bad need of a fuse
With the impeachment complaints having been filed against the Philippines' Vice President Sara Duterte, it is expected of Congress, in exercising its power of impeachment, to investigate the issues of public concern not only because the matters in question put forward involve issues of governance and therefore raise constitutional issues, but also because, as the various complainants claimed, dealing with the impeachment calls goes “into the integrity, character and fitness of the Respondent to continue holding the high office as the Vice President of the Republic.” It is for the good of the Republic and the economy that a speedy resolution is reached to reduce any disruptive effects on the country’s goals towards a higher level of economic development and stability. A fuse is a mechanism that avoids a serious outcome. If impeachment is a way of establishing transparency and accountability and resolving basic issues of corruption and bad government so that the country can reach its economic goals, then the country is in bad need of a fuse.
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